“Modern China Anthem” by Justin Xie

“Getting rich” has always been the main melody of China in the past decades. With this unpredictable tendency of economic growth, China is now entering into a new chapter – living better (becoming the world’s largest economy) with a cozy lifestyle (* how cozy? Pajama cozy. Look at that dude’s outfit in the picture)
It’s Chinese New Year, sit back and relax, let the world roll the dice. Believe or not, “Feng Shui” comes and goes so Kung Hey Fat Choy Ah!
*The ambient noise was randomly recorded on an iPad in Starbucks in a third-tier city in China. Starbucks, itself a symbol of new middle-class Chinese lifestyles. Combined with all other elements, to create an anthem of modern Chinese lifestyles.

Justin Xie (b.1986, Zhejiang) was raised in China, elevated in California and is now roaming around the world to search for a better self. He is interested in capturing candid emotions of everyday life in contemporary China. Experimenting with new media and learning from failures are his current pursuits.

More on: justin-xie.com


《新中国 赞美曲》- 谢俊

麻将,是受广大人民群众欢迎的,茶余饭后的娱乐项目。 麻将桌上有“风水轮流转” 的说法 – 估计西方人只能从经济学角度上慢慢地去理解体会这个深奥却又科学的“中国式”发展策略。

谢俊(justin-xie.com),自称假死丁,1986年出生于浙江 — “中国制造,加州改造” 。现在浪迹于世界各地,忙碌地寻找自我。被中国当下的日常生活所启发。热衷于实验冒险的他,愿意在一次次的失败中不断学习突破。