SCCreativeService (SCCS) is a social enterprise developed by SLEEPCENTER to provide individual and corporate clients worldwide with bespoke creative solutions, in exchange for supports to further the unique trans-disciplinary vision and explorations of SLEEPCENTER.
SCCS specializes in B2B ecosystem and logistic support for clients in the arts, design, pan-entertainment, and the content creation industry. We engage in global/local Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) by distributing Portable Service Modules, which are assembled with professionals and skillsets corresponding to the project’s specific terms. We offer clients with competitive unit economics to optimizes investment proficiency, and support the dynamic aesthetic business with extensive creative resources.
- - Curatorial Consultation
- - Project Master Plan Assistance
- - Project Management
- - Content creation, curation, and development
- - Contextual Commerce Advisory
- - Press Strategy
- - Social Media Strategy
- - Licensing & Reproduction
- - Business & Operations Strategies
- - Crisis Control
- - Place-making & Space Management
- - Affordable Venue & Studio for Hire
- - Trade Representation and Assistance Abroad (United States, United Kingdom, mainland China & Hong Kong, etc)
Contact us:
@SCCreativeService / sccs@sleepcenterny.org
SCCreativeService (SCCS) 灵光助力,是SLEEPCENTER所发展出社会企业(social enterprise),为文化艺术、泛文娱、以及内容生产行业的客户提供定制化的生态运营服务。服务所得回报,全数用于支持机构的工作与发展,回馈社群及与我们一同前进的从业者们。
- - 策展、展陈、展览落地全流程支持,及相关咨询服务
- - 项目规划、管理与协调
- - 非营利性机构运营支持,慈善活动咨询
- - 内容开发、知识产权保护、授权与发展
- - 地方创生、文化业态规划与升级
- - 文化空间运营、管理与租赁
- - 跨区域与出海业务的代理与协助
Clients Proudly Served:

SCCreativeService (SCCS) is a social enterprise developed by SLEEPCENTER to provide individual and corporate clients worldwide with bespoke creative solutions, in exchange for supports to further the unique trans-disciplinary vision and explorations of SLEEPCENTER.
SCCS specializes in B2B ecosystem and logistic support for clients in the arts, design, pan-entertainment, and the content creation industry. We engage in global/local Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) by distributing Portable Service Modules, which are assembled with professionals and skillsets corresponding to the project’s specific terms. We offer clients with competitive unit economics to optimizes investment proficiency, and support the dynamic aesthetic business with extensive creative resources.
- - Curatorial Consultation
- - Project Master Plan Assistance
- - Project Management
- - Content creation, curation, and development
- - Contextual Commerce Advisory
- - Press Strategy
- - Social Media Strategy
- - Licensing & Reproduction
- - Business & Operations Strategies
- - Crisis Control
- - Place-making & Space Management
- - Affordable Venue & Studio for Hire
- - Trade Representation and Assistance Abroad (United States, United Kingdom, mainland China & Hong Kong, etc)
Contact us:
@SCCreativeService / sccs@sleepcenterny.org
SCCreativeService (SCCS) 灵光助力,是SLEEPCENTER所发展出社会企业(social enterprise),为文化艺术、泛文娱、以及内容生产行业的客户提供定制化的生态运营服务。服务所得回报,全数用于支持机构的工作与发展,回馈社群及与我们一同前进的从业者们。
- - 策展、展陈、展览落地全流程支持,及相关咨询服务
- - 项目规划、管理与协调
- - 非营利性机构运营支持,慈善活动咨询
- - 内容开发、知识产权保护、授权与发展
- - 地方创生、文化业态规划与升级
- - 文化空间运营、管理与租赁
- - 跨区域与出海业务的代理与协助
Clients Proudly Served: